Arthur and His OrthoPets Bilateral Rear Limb House Slippers

Arthur with Short Noses Only Rescue Team (SNORT) is an 8 month French Bulldog who presented to Dr. McNamara at MVMC with bilateral tarsal (ankle) contracture. Due to Arthur’s age, and the presence of calcaneal sores from bearing weight on the plantar surface of the tarsus, OrthoPets recommended fabrication of bilateral House Slippers.
The goal was to provide an interior that is soft and comfortable for delicate skin, and an exterior to help with transitions through stance phases.
The House Slippers have a very forgiving rocker bottom for initial contact and roll through, and in conjunction with rehab will be able to restore some normalcy to hip and stifle standing angles, which Arthur has never had to do before!
Arthur has been doing great in his bilateral House Slippers and his sores are almost completely healed! Once he reaches skeletal maturity, we will revisit his case, along with new impressions and media, to determine what is needed to continue to offer Arthur the support that he needs.