VOP Certified Prosthetist/Orthotists

OrthoPets’ traditional business model positions the collaborating veterinarian to work in conjunction with Veterinary Orthotic and Prosthetic (VOP) case managers via remote telemedicine. This model requires a patient pet parent and a veterinarian and veterinary staff who are willing to learn and forge ahead into a new world. Some veterinarians love it and thrive often incorporating VOP into a new service offering at their clinic. Some veterinarians find VOP is outside their arena of comfort or area of interest. While OrthoPets has Partner Clinics scattered across the continental United States, Canada and even Internationally, OrthoPets sought to improve upon the field of VOP and drive it forward into a new direction. Thus, in 2022, OrthoPets partnered with human Certified Prosthetist Orthotists (CPOs) across the country.

dog wearing a custom OrthoPets carpus brace for hyperextension support

What is a CPO?

A CPO is a human healthcare professional specifically educated and trained to manage comprehensive orthotic and prosthetic care. While their education and experience are largely rooted in the human healthcare, OrthoPets has supplemented and augmented their education with training in Veterinary Medicine, specifically veterinary anatomy, orthopedic and neurologic pathologies and VOP device design. At OrthoPets, we value the veterinarian’s expertise and the Veterinarian-Client-Patient relationship. Our partnered CPOs continue to collaborate with the veterinarians and follow all state veterinary practice act laws.

Learning about OrthoPets Custom dog braces.

Veterinarian benefits of collaborating with a CPO, include:

Allied health professional leading VOP cases
Local, in-person VOP case management
Attracts unique caseload and clientele
Differentiates your clinic form the competition
Satisfied clients will yield more referrals
Positive (traditional and social) media
Educate the Pet Parent (very time consuming)
Additional tool in the toolbox (non-operative / rehab / specialty)

Pet parent benefits of collaborating with a CPO, include:

Allied health professional leading VOP cases
Education is rooted in biomechanics and force vectors
Local, in-person VOP case management
On-site, faster adjustments
It's a win-win situation.
Click on the interactive map to see where our partnered CPOs are located.

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Read the biographies of each partnered CPOs

Book a discovery call to learn more about working with a VOP CPO