Camelot and His OrthoPets Stifle Devices (Dog Knee Brace)

CamelotCamelot is a sweet soul I rescued from Hurricane Katrina.About a year ago, he started to be lame in one back leg. I could tell he was in a lot of pain since he is such a tough and stoic dog.My previous boy, Mr. Big was a Newfoundland that was born with little or no ligaments in his back legs. I had sought out another alternative after 4 surgeries, including 2 TPLOS that weren’t very successful. That is when I met Martin and his wonderful braces.When Camelot presented with his issues, I immediately called OrthoPets. Dr. Patsy diagnosed a torn cranial cruciate ligament and found a torn meniscus. A menisectomy and a brace were planned. After surgery, he tolerated and adapted to his brace in a moment and I feel that each dog feels the support immediately and goes on from there in a normal way.About a month later, Camelot snapped his cruciate in his other back leg. With a lot of tears and confusion with what to do, Dr. Patsy assured me that he would do so well with another brace and we went ahead and casted another one.One of Camelot's favorite pastimes is running in our pasture of about 15 acres. I didn’t think he would ever enjoy his runs again. Today, after a lot of therapy to build his muscles up and adapt to both braces (which happened very quickly), he is running in the pasture! He does come back tired, but with a happy face and big wags and doesn’t show any lameness in his braces. In fact, I went to see the great technicians at Orthopets to have his braces overhauled after a year (they get a lot of wear on the ranch) and as I walked him outside while they were working on him, I started to do a normal walk with him and suddenly realized that he didn’t have either brace on and I didn’t even notice since he was doing so well!Putting braces on takes a few minutes in the morning and are so easy and fit amazingly well to his legs. I would never trade or complain about those few minutes because his recovery has been easy and amazing. He will wear them for the rest of his life, but the tears that I first had are really for a different reason now. I tear up to see him running free and happy…he is the best dog and deserves the best!Anne from Berthoud, CO (Client for 6 years!)