Dolly and Her Bilateral OrthoPets Carpus Devices (Dog Wrist Braces)

Dolly is a 12 year old spayed female English Bulldog mix who presented to Dr. Kern at Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation for assessment for bilateral carpal orthotics (dog wrist braces). Dolly suffered severe bilateral antebrachial trauma due to a dog bite incident in November of 2019.
Among other ailments, the accident resulted in right forelimb digital flexion failure and carpal hyperextension, neurological deficits of the left forelimb with loss of digits and paw pads, and local hyperesthesia. She underwent extensive wound management over the course of several months.
OrthoPets fabricated stylish leopard print bilateral non-articulating carpal orthotics with non-articulating paw segments. They featured removable inner liners for greater comfort and support, as well as accommodative insoles to protect the sensitive healing skin. The left device featured a buildup of crepe material to normalize the limb length discrepancy.
Dolly has been in her devices since the end of March 2020 and is overall doing well! She is still very sensitive on her weight bearing surfaces and is learning to trust the orthotics, but is resilient and tries so hard. With time, Dolly will receive the full benefits of her carpal orthotics.