Hatcher and his OrthoPets Stifle Device (Dog knee brace)

We would like to thank OrthoPets for the wonderful experience working with them and the great success our dog's device has achieved! Our 5 year old golden Rottweiler, Hatcher, blew out his knee almost 2 years ago and we were told that surgery was our only option. Less than a year After a successful TPLO surgery on this leg, he injured his other knee in the same manner. Having spent so much money fixing the first knee, and reading about the long term effects of the surgery, we were hoping for another solution. OrthoPets came up in a Google search, and I was hesitant to even contact them. After reading the testimonial page however, I felt the need to explore the knee brace idea further. It has now been a year with the knee brace, and Hatcher is doing so well that we rarely put him in his device anymore! The first 6 months we put the brace on him daily and it was amazing how excited he'd get to wear it. Recently, if we know Hatcher will be running around for a long period of time then we'll put his device on him, but for the most part he is device free. He uses the leg without any problems and puts weight on it when he is standing. In fact, if you were to see him you wouldn't think anything was wrong with his knees they have both healed up so well. He has not lost momentum by any means and still jumps in the air to catch his toys or in greeting. We have been overly impressed with the outcome of the device and would highly recommend it. In hindsight, we wish that we could have had the opportunity to try the device on his first knee in lieu of surgery.Thank you , Kimberlee and Hatcher