Shine and his OrthoPets Prosthetic Device

Shine's owner found him injured after being bit by a dog. This injury left him with irreversible damage from his pastern to his hoof. Colorado State University performed a rare hind limb amputation at the level of the pastern. They then placed him in a specialized cast that would allow him to bear weight, but not directly put weight on the amputation site while his prosthesis was being fabricated. OrthoPets owner/founder Martin Kaufmann was present at CSU during the amputation to create the fiberglass impression immediately post-operatively.
Large animal prosthetic patients have special considerations due to their size. The skin can be friable when using a prosthesis due to the pressure from the weight of the patient. Large animal patients also require a 24-hour wearing schedule since they are often turned out to pasture. Due to the continuous wearing schedule and the outdoor living conditions, the prostheses utilize a removable foam liner that can be replaced as needed without returning the device to OrthoPets. The prosthesis allows the patient to return to their normal life style. At the initial fitting, Shine took to the prosthesis quickly.
Shine has now returned to his normal lifestyle. The prosthesis has allowed Shine to keep up with his family whether out in the pasture, trotting, or even galloping. The prosthesis was fabricated with his lifestyle in mind. It has special modifications to manage the constant exposure of being outdoors. The prosthesis will last his lifetime as the removable foam liners can be replaced as needed. Shine has overcome the odds and will live out the rest of his life happy and healthy. The fun video here tells Shine's story.