Kinley and her OrthoPets Stifle Device (Dog Knee ACL Brace)

Kinley is a 12-year-old lab that presents with chronic and severe degenerative changes of the right tarsus. Chronic ligament instability or a previous OCD lesion was ruled out. She has experienced progressive pain and weakness of the stifle and hip joints secondary to the tarsal pathology. A tarsal arthrodesis was not recommended due to the success rate and that she was responding well to the anti-inflammatories. The goals of the OrthoPets Stifle Device (dog knee brace, dog acl brace) was to return the patient to his 3-mile-a-day walks as well as to avoid further injury or increase of current instabilities of the tarsus and stifle.

The severity of tarsal instability concurrent with stifle involvement indicated a non-articulating tarsal orthosis with a paw segment coupled to a cranial femoral shell. The femoral shell added global support (multi-plane) to the stifle to reduce the likelihood of a CCL tear. Due to the complexity of the pathomechanics, several custom modifications were added to this unique case to provide Kinley the greatest amount of comfort and support. Kinley adapted to the orthosis quickly and a marked improvement was noted in her gait. With the added support and stability, Kinley was able to return to her 3-mile-a-day walks and was able to experience increased comfort and confidence during gait. Good luck Kinley in your new OrthoPets Stifle Device (dog knee brace, dog ACL brace, dog CCL brace).