Achilles and his OrthoPets Tarsus Device (Dog ankle brace)

Achilles is a 1-year old Doberman who presented to Paws for Rehabilitation with a healed tibial fibula fracture and mild DJD in left tarsus. Achilles has had two surgeries on his tibia and fibula with the first surgery to repair the fracture with a plate. Unfortunately, Achilles suffered a fracture distal to his bone plate and required additional surgery for that repair.

Achilles' owner was looking for a long-term solution that would provide support so that Achilles could continue to play at daycare and continue his highly active lifestyle. Additionally, his referring veterinarian let us know that Achilles has a missing digit that had to be amputated at an early age. As the owner requested a long-term supportive solution, OrthoPets fabricated a non-articulating tarsus with an articulating paw segment for Achilles to protect his previous fractures and support his DJD.

Achilles is now doing great in his device and, according to his owner, “Achilles runs around like a possessed dog with his brace on at dog daycare 2-4 days per week.”
Great work, Achilles! He is now able to get out and enjoy some new fun with his new OrthoPets Tarsus, dog ankle, brace.