Seela Gets Her Legs! Bilateral OrthoPets Hindlimb Prosthetic Devices

Seela is a 2.5 year old FS Golden Retriever who was rescued in Egypt by a Golden Retriever rescue organization in Maine. She was found with extensive injuries to her pelvic limbs with severe bilateral tarsal hyperextension and digital hyperflexion and severe muscle atrophy in her hindquarters. She underwent bilateral intertarsal amputations and her prosthetic journey began.

There were many challenges confronted with this case, the most challenging being her ability to ambulate in bilateral prosthetics. Because her tarsi are so extended, we chose to add a femoral cuff to each device to help prevent rotation. Helping her find the ground and engaging her weak hamstrings and quads and encourage stifle extension would prove to be a steep learning curve for Seela.

Seela’s bilateral device arrived at OrthoPets New England under the talented hands of Dr. Heather York. The devices fit without concern and Seela took her first normal steps in a long time. As expected, she walks with more stifle flexion than normal and, with time and strengthening of her muscles, will hopefully walk with a more level topline.

This case shows how important rehabilitation can be for animals who have lost normal function. This outcome was more successful than any of us anticipated and hoped for, thanks to her dedicated rescue, owner, and the doctor and not to mention the determination of Seela! We are thrilled to watch Seela progress on her new legs! Seels looks great in her new OrthoPets Hindlimb Prosthetic Devices (dog prosthetic legs).