OrthoPets’ Past and Future

OrthoPets is like nothing you have ever seen in veterinary medicine. OrthoPetsoffers custom orthotics (braces) and prosthetics manufactured to the samestandards and with the same bioengineering skill used for human patients in afull-time on site and virtual clinic with a human orthotist and veterinary specialistcollaborating on every case.

Recognizing a need
The concept of OrthoPets originated in 2003 when Martin Kaufmann, a certifiedhuman ped-orthotist and prosthetist, first applied his training and experience tothe animal healthcare industry. His first patient, Walt, suffered a neurologic injuryand amputation was recommended. Using knowledge of human patients withsimilar functional deficits, Martin created an orthotic device to reposition the limballowing Walt to walk on four legs again.This rewarding challenge soon became a full-time pursuit and OrthoPets waslaunched as the first dedicated Veterinary Orthotics and Prosthetics (VOP) Clinicin the world. One by one, Martin helped animals regain the lifestyle they onceenjoyed. OrthoPets grew rapidly and in 2006 moved from the Kaufmann’sgarage to a small manufacturing facility in north Denver. Martin’s wife, Amy,joined the endeavor as head of sales and marketing. From 2003 OrthoPetsprovided mobility solutions to more than 15,000 animals, in all 50 states and on 3continents.
Growing into the Future
In 2014 Dr. Felix Duerr, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and board-certifiedcanine sports medicine and rehabilitation joined the OrthoPets team. Themission envisioned by the Kaufmanns and Dr. Duerr was to positively impact thequality of life of animal patients and their human companions through innovativesolutions for animal pain and mobility issues. Their purpose was to pioneer thespecialty of VOP as a compliment to existing standards of care through customengineered external coaptation (CEEC). Their goal became setting the bar as theworld leader in VOP through creative design, integrity, and service.With his knowledge of primary veterinary healthcare and his specialized trainingin orthopedics and sports medicine is the driving force behind research andtesting. Using the human process as a model, patients at this center will enjoythe expertise and collaboration of specialists in the fields of modern, integrativeveterinary pain medicine, VOP, and veterinary rehabilitation under one roof. Nosuch facility exists anywhere in the world.In response to increased demand and a rapidly developing industry, OrthoPetsmoved into their new Westminster Colorado facility in October 2014. More than 4times larger than the previous facility, the new OrthoPets location houses a full-time VOP clinic in which cases are collaboratively managed by Martin and avirtual clinic in which technology (email, skype, video conferencing) allowsnational and international patients to receive the services provided in the Denverclinic, and OrthoPets fabrication lab where custom devices are designed,manufactured, and refurbished. OrthoPets is available to help you throughoutyour journey.
New Tools and Partnership for Veterinarians
VOP is truly a new tool in the veterinarian’s therapeutic repertoire. All devicesare custom manufactured using the same adaptive technologies and materialsdeveloped on the human side. Common devices for the forelimbs includeprosthetics for issues mid antebrachium and below; carpus devices includesolutions for hyperextension, premature physeal closure, collateral ligamentinjury, and distal radial neoplasia. Devices for the hindlimbs include prostheticsfor issues at or below the hock; hock injuries amenable to bracing includehyperextension, achilles tendon injuries (surgical or nonsurgical), collateralligament injury, and luxation; stifle braces include solutions for cranial cruciateinjury, luxating patella, and osteoarthritis. Devices are adaptable for use pre-op,post op, or no op as primary external coaptation, dynamic support, sportsbracing, and limb replacement.A crucial aspect of the OrthoPets vision and mission is to give each patient asecond chance to enjoy a normal life. By partnering with various animalhealthcare professionals (family veterinarians, veterinary surgeons, veterinaryneurologists, veterinary rehabilitation therapists), OrthoPets has successfullyprovided solutions to old problems and created new options never beforepossible.
Knowledge and Experience Provide Adaptability
Since 2003, OrthoPets has found great success in applying the same adaptivetechnologies developed for human orthotics and prosthetics to the care foranimal patients. Use of these devices in animals requires a new way of thinkingbecause of differences in movement (e.g. 4 legs, wings, hooves, paws), activity(e.g. agility, sporting, flying, swinging through trees, guarding sheep, sleeping onthe couch!), size (e.g. 5 lb Chihuahua, 800 lb calf), and environment (e.g. carpetedhouse, snow, barnyard, zoo enclosure). Understanding biomechanics ofmovement and the forces applied to a limb as an animal goes about normalactivity is paramount. Through years of experience and knowledge theengineers and veterinarians at OrthoPets are able to customize a mobilitysolution for each individual.