Roo and Her OrthoPets Front Limb Prosthetic

Roo is a 3 year old FS Husky/Canaan dog mix who was rescued from Iran in November 2018. She was born with bilateral forelimb Amelia (birth defect), with her left forelimb being more deformed and restricted elbow extension. Her right forelimb had normal elbow range of motion, as well as a more distal level of amputation.
Dr. Calverley of OrthoPets Vancouver saw Roo in March of 2019 for a consultation for prosthetic candidacy. After consulting with OrthoPets, it was determined that the best plan of action would be test casts on the right forelimb. This would help the team determine what length Roo ambulates best in and the appropriate alignment needed for functionality. After reviewing the media of the Roo in the test casts, the team determined the best plan would be to start with the more normal and functional right forelimb and would build the prosthetic shorter to accommodate her unique posture. The length could be changed in the future if needed.
Roo got her name because she got around much like a kangaroo! After she adjusted to her new device, she could walk and run much like a normal dog her normalized posture will be very beneficial over time. Everyone was impressed and surprised how quickly she took to her prosthetic. She has quite the social media following and it’s amazing to see her on all of her adventures with her other canine friends. Her dedicated owner is also an amputee herself and they are quite the team.