Sadie and Her OrthoPets Stifle Device (Dog Knee Brace)

Sadie is a 10-year-old, 67lb, spayed female mixed breed canine. She was diagnosed with external rotation of the stifle (dog knee) post a TPLO surgery with complications.
Sadie underwent a TPLO on her right hind limb on 10/21/2020. Following this surgery, she developed a surgical site infection and eventually a lateral patella luxation secondary to that. The lateral patella luxation was corrected once the TPLO site was healed. The TPLO implant was removed to further clean the infection. Since her recovery from these three procedures, she developed external rotation of the stifle when walking. She did not have any pain or instabilities and her veterinarian noted that her range of motion was appropriate.
Sadie’s veterinarian’s goal for her stifle device (dog knee brace) was to support her right stifle and attempt to prevent external rotation when walking.

OrthoPets fabricated a standard stifle device with a tarsal cuff to aid in suspension. This device was also modified with an overcorrection at the tibia to help stabilize the external rotation.
Sadie had her fitting appointment with her veterinarian on 6/8/2021 and is doing very well so far. She will have a 2 week recheck to check on her progress, but so far, she seems to be doing awesome and looks super stylish in her leopard print stifle device.