Theo and his OrthoPets Prosthetic Device

This is my Golden Retriever, Theo. Theo is now almost 2 years old. He was born perfect, but, his left paw was inadvertently damaged during the process.Theo was given up for adoption. I was lucky enough to get him at only 28 days old. He started to grow big and strong and I realized he needed something to enable him walk, run, and play like "normal" dogs do. Theo couldn’t do it on his own. He would lay down most of the time because walking was too hard on him.Theo Regrettably, in Brazil, we do not have many options available to us for our pets with disabilities. Thankfully, a friend introduced me to Nakio’s story. I contacted OrthoPets immediately and they helped me find a solution for Theo.I can say that they have saved Theo’s life and have given him a chance to live a quality life. He is now able to walk, play, and go outdoors with his brothers, Josh and Costelinha. Theo now is good at chasing pigeons in the park! Yay!!Thank you OrthoPets for all the attention and care you have given me and my baby Theo!You are the best!LucimaraSao Paulo - Brazil