Wilbur and His OrthoPets Stifle Device (Dog Knee Brace)

Wilbur is a twelve year-old, ninety pound, neutered male, Labrador Retriever from Pennsylvania. He was diagnosed with a CCL (ACL) tear in his right stifle (knee) in February 2020. Previous history for Wilbur includes a surgical CCL repair for his left stifle in 2016 and an Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma where he has had two surgeries and chemotherapy. He is currently in remission.
Wilbur’s owners decided to pursue an orthosis and avoid surgery. His Veterinarian’s goal for his stifle device (knee brace) is to stabilize his right stifle and to allow comfortable use without surgery.
OrthoPets fabricated a standard stifle device which will provide global support for the stifle and Wilbur’s CCL injury.
Wilbur had his fitting appointment with his Veterinarian on April 6, 2020 and is doing great and looks great in his American Flag OrthoPets stifle device.