OrthoPets at Healing Arts Portland, OR
Healing Arts Animal Care
8505 SW Creekside Place #120
Beaverton, OR 97008
Dr. Mandi Blackwelder
Email: healingartsvet@yahoo.com
Healing Arts Animal Care provides veterinary acupuncture, pet rehabilitation therapy, physical therapy and athletic conditioning to the dogs and cats of Portland, OR. We strive to create a team among you, your pet, your veterinarian and ourselves to create a whole package of care for your pet. Pets come through our door knowing that we’re going to have fun here and this isn’t “another trip to the vet.” Through manual therapies, acupuncture, laser, ultrasound, underwater treadmill and creating a tailored individual home exercises, we strive to bring your injured pet back to speed, keep your elderly pet as an active member of the family, return your obese pet back to a functional friend and keep your athletic pet at the peak of his performance. Dr. Mandi Blackwelder is a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner and Veterinary Acupuncturist. She and her team have travelled to Colorado to spend time with OrthoPets and hone the craft of veterinary braces, orthoses and prostheses to give your pets the comfort and mobility they need.
For more Information, please visit Healing Arts Animal Care.