Larry the Alpaca and His OrthoPets Fetlock Hoof Device (Alpaca Wrist Device)

Larry is an 11 year old MC Alpaca who developed digital pad necrosis and underwent amputation of the medial digit on the left forelimb. He was also born with angular limb deformity and significant valgus of the fetlocks. His case presented to OrthoPets medial support of the remaining lateral digit and to protect further valgus limb deviation.
OrthoPets fabricated a non-articulated fetlock, non-articulated hoof device (alpaca wrist device) with removable neoprene liner for added stability and durability (he’s in a herd with 32 other Alpacas!).
On the initial fitting, Larry took to it easily but tended to deviate into fetlock valgus, due to the severity of the instability of that joint, which cause pressure sores. Due to the severe joint instability, the device was further modified with a special addition to the hoof segment for more medial ground contact and better alignment. This seemed to be exactly what the device needed and did not cause any concerns with use, which was originally an unpredictable outcome.
Larry now loves his device and lives happily and comfortably with the rest of the heard in Minnesota. We are always thrilled to receive pictures of adorable and charismatic Larry in his orthosis!

Left: Completed device before any use or adjustments. Right: Modified hoof segment.