Samson and his OrthoPets Prosthetic Device

Samson (approximately 5 year old male neutered GSD) was being fostered by a rescue group when he was first brought to TheraVet Acres Rehabilitation and Fitness on 6/22/11 for an initial exam. His right hindlimb is slightly shorter due to his malformed distal limb which is missing phalanges and lower metatarsals, but part of the metatarsal pad is present. Sampson was able to ambulate well with this limb but had some mild sensitivity in his right hindlimb while ambulating on gravel surfaces. He also has mild sensitivity upon strong palpation of the lateral aspect of his "stump". A year later on 6/7/12, Samson’s new owner brought him back to TheraVet Acres Rehabilitation and Fitness for a follow-up appointment, and a custom made OrthoPet below hock prosthetic device for Samson’s right hind limb was discussed. In late July 2012 measurements were taken and a casting was done for Samson’s prosthetic device. When the stage 1 prosthetic device arrived in August, it was an excellent fit. Pictures and video of Samson using the prosthetic were taken and sent to OrthoPets for review and evaluation. Two weeks later Samson had a recheck to determine how he was doing with his new prosthetic device. He had been wearing it for three to four hours a day and there was no wear or rubbing on his leg. More pictures and videos were taken and sent to OrthoPets for review and evaluation to move on to the stage 2 prosthetic device. As time went on Samson was wearing his prosthetic for most of the day and had adapted very well to the device. The stage 2 prosthetic device arrived two months later. It was approximately 1/2 “ longer on the upper portion of the device, but otherwise it was the same as the stage 1 device. The stage 2 device was also an excellent fit for Samson and a video of Samson using the new Stage 2 device was taken showing him at a walk, trot and run. Samson adapted very well to his custom prosthetic device and OrthoPets was a pleasure to work with.